Reader Reviews

Christina Prescott, The Book Commentary Reviewer

Poorly Wrapped Gifts: Rising and Thriving After Infidelity by Sujata Patel is a raw and authentic exploration of the author’s profound emotional journey after discovering her partner’s infidelity —an experience that many struggle to handle. Patel, drawing from personal experiences, creates an intimate narrative that resonates with anyone who has faced the devastation of betrayal. The book goes beyond the clinical resources available, providing a practical and deeply personal approach to healing. The introduction sets a powerful tone, acknowledging the overwhelming emotions of fear, abandonment, and rejection that accompany the revelation of an affair. Patel’s unflinching honesty validates the reader’s pain, assuring them that they are not alone in their struggles. The book becomes a comforting companion for those who feel isolated in their grief, offering hope and guidance through the painful journey toward healing.

The author introduces readers to her lovely family. They are on a family trip that takes an unexpected turn when she discovers evidence of her partner, Nick’s two-year affair. She captures her pain and devastation with unwonted honesty and examines the emotional turmoil that followed the unsavory discovery, the impact on the family, and her struggle to navigate the tumultuous journey toward healing. The author’s vulnerability shines through as she shares her coping mechanisms, making the narrative relatable and the guidance more practical. The chapters like “My Marriage at the Time” and “The First Big Reveal,” offer insights into the author’s past and the intricate nature of her relationships. Patel reflects on cultural expectations, societal norms, and the impact of infidelity on her sense of self-worth. The narrative is not only a personal account but a universal exploration of themes like self-discovery, empowerment, and the freedom of finding one’s voice.  Patel’s transformative journey provides tools for handling triggers, navigating grief, and finding empowerment. The emphasis on using one’s voice unapologetically and choosing self-love stands out as a powerful message. Poorly Wrapped Gifts is a compelling and compassionate guide for those grappling with the aftermath of infidelity. Sujata Patel’s voice is powerful and resonant and her message to those who have suffered betrayal is powerful.

Amazon Customer

5.0 out of 5 stars Wish I could give this book more than 5 stars!

Loved this book from cover to cover! Although the book is written about the devastation the author endured from the infidelity that she has experienced from her current and past relationships, it is ultimately a book about self-love, self-acceptance, and true healing. She explores the wide range of feelings associated with true devastation and heartbreak, and talks about the triggers that continually emerged in the aftermath that brought all those painful feelings back to the forefront time and time again. She is honest and raw in her retelling of the range of emotions she felt and helps the reader understand that the range and timeline of these feelings are completely OK. The reader will feel VALIDATED. The last section of the book lays out a self care guide that I think is beneficial for anyone. We all need the reminder that caring for ourselves is not selfish, it’s a necessity that should be prioritized so we can fully engage in our life.

I plan on keeping my copy of the book as a reference for whenever I am going through something difficult. I truly believe everyone can gain insights from this book. We may not all experience infidelity, but this book is a touch point whenever experiencing any form of grief.


Julia C.

5.0 out of 5 stars Beautiful Book about resilience

This book is about so much more than surviving infidelity. I have a friend struggling with infidelity issues and I bought the book hoping to find some insight and encouragement for her but I found that and so much more. The author writes beautifully about her painful experiences and exposes her vulnerability to the reader in a way that makes this book both compelling and relatable. While this book offers advice and encouragement for those facing infidelity, I was drawn in by the grace and resilience of the author. Even if the reader doesn’t share the author’s world view or faith traditions the book still rings true. The author offers up an example of resilience for all of us and I am hoping she gets a happy ever after ending from a less than fairy tale life.


5.0 out of 5 stars A true page turner!

Throughout the book Sujata shares with us the raw emotions, along with the brutal honesty of the struggles, that come with the aftermath of an affair. She takes her readers on a journey of the ups and downs, good times and bad times, heartache and even the true love she experiences in her life after infidelity. She shares many self-care practices to help heal from the inside out. There is the emphasis on self-love is not selfish and to be kind and gentle with yourself as you heal. Reflecting on my own experiences with infidelity, I ended the book with a lot of dog-eared pages and highlighted sentences and paragraphs. This is a great read and not just for those that have experience with infidelity; the self-care routines and guidance can truly be used to help with any life altering events and traumas.

Natasha P.

5.0 out of 5 stars All the feels

This was refreshingly honest. The vulnerability and authenticity brought up so many of my own triggers/defenses/hopes from relationships. I haven’t felt so many feelings from a book in a very long time.
The key takeaways and appendices are such useful tools as well.
I also appreciate that it was not didactic like some self help books. Sujata shares her experience and offers tools and topics to think about while still being respectful of each individuals personal path.
I think this is so valuable for all types of relationships where one has felt betrayal, grief, or plain old conflict.
Well done!! Thank you for sharing this with the world. Hella brave 🙌🏽

Amazon Customer

5.0 out of 5 stars An inspiring testimony of devastating pain and incredible recovery

A must read for anyone who has experienced infidelity and is looking for a path to heal. Sujata gives an incredibly honest, brave, and inspiring account of her pain and her journey to reconcile betrayal and get back to her best self. Her willingness to share her darkest moments, will help anyone navigate through infidelity, whether it is the one who was betrayed, or the one who betrayed. Sujata’s writing style is very comfortable, honest, and intelligent. I could not put it down. I finished in 2 days.

Amazon Customer

5.0 out of 5 stars My surprise reaction

I really, really disliked Nick when I learned of his infidelity through Sujata’s writing! As I continued to read her story, it was amazing how through her writing, Sujata was able to make me feel compassion for Nick as well. This is not a typical reaction I would have towards someone who was unfaithful. The words and the feelings she puts into her writing are really beautiful and make you feel as if you are in her shoes. Great work!


5.0 out of 5 stars Infidelity – If you decide to stay, this book may help you

In the case of infidelity, the usual path is to break up. This book is about the journey of somebody who decided to stay and take advantage of this painful event to grow as a person and also as a couple. The author is brave and opens her heart in this book. It’s well-written. It captured my attention, and I read it in a couple of days. Congratulations on your new book, Sujata.


5.0 out of 5 stars Fantastic

This book is really going to help people going through a difficult time. It is loaded with invaluable information on how to cope with the trauma of infidelity and reclaiming your true self. Despite what the title of the book says, this book would be an awesomly wrapped gift for anyone looking for some guidance from someone as introspective, thoughtful, and brilliant as Sujata. 11 out of 10/Would recommend 🙂


5.0 out of 5 stars Inspiring raw and real

This book is a page turner. It is written from the heart and you feel the reality and force of the emotions that Sujata experienced. Beautifully written and in a manner that’s raw not veiled in fancy language. The steps she gave for overcoming and becoming more of just you and setting boundaries were very insightful and inspiring. A highly recommended book.

Tammy D Lawrence

5.0 out of 5 stars The Help you NEED to heal

Sujata is able to delve into her experience in an authentic way and shares her deep dive into her emotions and feelings on her healing journey. She shares her insights and learning on love, betrayal, healing, hurting, self-harm, spirituality and more. Her inclusion of self-care practices will help you get the most out of this book. If you are looking to read a story that will help you survive and thrive after trauma – you need to read this!

Karen B

5.0 out of 5 stars Helpful for ANY type of trauma

This is hard to put down! The author has shared so many ways to get through not only infidelity, but really any life altering event. I strongly recommend buying and keeping this book for rereading whenever you need some extra help and motivation to go on.

Jann Dieringer

5.0 out of 5 stars Important book on healing!

What sets this book apart is its emphasis on empathy and understanding, acknowledging the nuances of human relationships and the different responses to betrayal. It is a roadmap for people seeking solace and recovery, offering practical tools for people navigating through the aftermath and working on self healing. Excellent!

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